Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leaving To Another Blog

Hey guys! Well, I don't know if anyone is actually viewing this blog, so I'm moving to another blog with a betetr link. I won't close this cause I can't be stuffed to repost everything, so yea! Hope you can see my new blog. Here's the link!

Hope you like it! And if anyone can help me make my blog better, I would love to hear ideas! See ya on my new blog!

Friday, November 26, 2010

New Club Penguin Glitch!

Hey guys! Today I found a new glitch. As you all know, you can't zoom in on Club Penguin, but you can! Here's how to!

1: Move your penguin on the side of screen.
2: Open the newspaper.
3: Right click near your penguin then click "zoom in".

4: Keep pressing "zoom in" near you penguin until it's big enough.

5: You should now be zoomed in!
As you can't normally do this with Club Penguin it is a glitch. So what do you think of this glitch? Tell me in the comments!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Card-Jitsu Water Updates!

Hey guys! Today is the arrival of Card-Jitsu Water! Club Penguin updated their home screen and play screen! Take a look:

Then also, after you complete the journy of Water you behold the power of water! Here it is! Rc, you must've been working all day!

So you what do you think of Card-Jitsu Water? It took me some time to get hold of the game! Tell me in the comments!

Having A Party!

Hey guys! Got some big news. When I started YouTube I made a vid that I will have a party when I hit 40 subs which I thought I would never get! So here are the details!

Well will you be going? I will try t get many famous people to come! Tell me in the cooments if you can or can't make it!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Club Penguin Art In Book Room!

Hey guys! Today I was hanging out with some friends and I accindenly clicked the penguin art in the Book Room. I then saw new pieces of art! Here's a picture of my favourite!

You can now submit more art! Are you going to try get your art on the wall? Tell me in teh comments!

Meeting Sensei!

Hey guys! Today I finally met Sensei! If you want really helpful trackers visit Monchocho's site or Chrisdog's site. They're both really helpful but Monchocho helped me find him. Here's a picture of us with the Sensei.

We drank tea and ate sushi! He even read his fortune cookie! It said "Your ninjas will bring you great honor"
Have you met Sensei yet? Be sure to take part in the poll on the right side of the blog!

Chinese Version Of Club Penguin Coming!

Hey guys! I was on the best CP cheats site today (Club Penguin CP) and there is a new Chinese version of Club Penguin. Sadly I can't get a picture because it's property of  Club Penguin CP. So yea, just visit their site and check it out. I tryed the swf and it looks really cool! You can't log in yet ( I tryed, what a dope, it's still in progress) but will soon. Tell me what you think of it in the comments!

Friday, November 19, 2010

New Save Password Screen!

Hey guys! Today I was making a new test and when I went to save my password a new save password screen came up. Instead of "If you are using a school or public computer don't use this feature" or something. Here's what it says!

So does Club Penguin want us to save our passwords anymore? Tell me what you think in the comments! And I'm a member again!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Card-Jitsu Water Party Stamps!

Hey guys! Today I was trying to meet Sensei and I checked my stamp book to pass the time. There are new stamps! Here they are!

This is what they say:
Construction: Join in construction at a party with your jackhammer
Explorer: Visit all the decorated party rooms
And Sensei now has a stamp!! Here's what it says!
Check out for a cool tracker! Have you met Sensei yet? Tell me what you think of the stamps and if you've met Sensei in the comments!

Monday, November 15, 2010

EPF Mission Coming Soon?

Hey guys! I've found something really weird. A couple of months back I was at the Hidden Lake with my friends. It looked different then when it opened. I thought I was parinoid and left it sonce then. But I was there again today and I promise it's getting bigger! Take a look at this!
Go check for yourself! I don't know if it's something for Card-Jitsu Water or something but it COULD be Herbert. Tell me what you think in the comments!

Card-Jitsu Water Party Now On!

Hey guys! There is now a Card-Jitsu Water party like we had last eyar for Fire! Collect your free item at the Snow Forts. Remeber that quiz Club Penguina sked us months ago! They got the Busket Head back!
And also the Water Party is coming in the summer I think! Look at the pool and the mine!

Then at the Dock and the Forest you have to throw snowballs into a weigher. Like this:
Then at the Ninja Hideout, there is a MASSIVE party! Look at the preparations! Also the Card-Jitsu door is gonna be up the front and the Card-Jitsu Snow must be on the side!
Now! For the big one! You can get in the Water Dojo! That's right! Yes you can. Go down that little hole! This is what it looks like so far!
Lastly there is a hunt!
1st  is at the snaks bar the the Stadium. 2nd is no the coffee table in the Coffee Shop. 3rd is in the Pet Shop and is the fish bowl. 4th is the water bottle inside the surf hut at the Cove. 5th is in the Book Room on the table near the chair in the left corner. 6th is on the lowest table at the Dance Lounge and it's a salt shaker. 7th is the bucket at the Beach. 8th is at the Dojo Courtyard. Left first fish.
 And my computer is slow and when it was loading it said 'easter_egg_hunt' Tell me what you think of the new Card-Jitsu Water and the glitch for the hunt!

New Card-Jitsu Water Login Screen!

Hey guys! I was lggoing into Club Penguin to day and I saw a new Card-Jitsu Water log in screen! Take a look!

Cool huh? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Card-Jitsu Water Release Date!

Hey guys! I have now found the release date for Card-Jitsu Water! Thanks to Jmann93!

This probably Card-Jitsu Water is coming on 25th. Sadly I lose my membership this Friday so I can't get pictures. I will see if I can another membership A.S.A.P.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bean Counters Music Changed!

Hey guys! The Bean Counters mucic has changed! Weird huh?  
Do you like the new music? Is this a bug or glitch? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Raining!

Hey guys! Today Billybob posted something new about the rain on the Community Blog!

Hello penguins!

It's raining for the first time ever! We've seen a lot of you enjoying the strange weather and splashing in puddles. Check it out:

We've got some surprises planned for next week, and I'll tell you more about that soon.

Until then... waddle on!

"We've got some surprises planned for next week"? Does that mean Card-Jitsu Water is defiently coming? Tell me what you think in the comments!

New Club Penguin Featured Igloo!

Hey guys! Today there is a new featured igloo! Check it out!

Pretty cool! I like the rainbow with the puffle beds! Tell me what you think in the comments!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Club Penguin Reviewed By You!

Hey guys! Today a new Reviewed By You came out! Check it out!
Hello Penguins!

Last week we wanted to know what kind of Elite Gear would help EPF Agents protect the island and Emitoad said:

HOLA Cp!! I "might" be a elite agent and "if" i was one i would want a cool and cute wig for boys and girl penguins.I want a super secret dress for the girl penguins and some secret jewlrey we can wear. As for the boy elite penguins,a messy hair-do,and a high-tech wristwatch. "If" i was an elite agent this is what i would want to wear around cp.

Thanks Emitoad - that sounds cool!


On Friday we asked you about the gray sky. If you guessed that the dark clouds might bring downpours... you were right! The forecast is calling for rain for the first time ever.

This week we want to know - what are you doing to celebrate the strange weather?

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then... Waddle on! 

So what are you doing to celebrate the rain? Tell me in the comments!

Rain Filling the Garden at the Mine!

Hey guys! Today I was with a friend at the Mine and I saw the water maker already filled to the top! The rain had filled it right to the top! Here take a look!
Well, we can now take a break and it does work the sprinklers! Comment and tell me what you think!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rain on Club Penguin!

Hey guys! Today it started to rain in Club Penguin! This is the first time it has ever rained! Also at the Ninja Hideout there is another clue about Card-Jitsu Water!
It has rained over the Water sign. This could well mean Card-Jitsu Water is coming soon!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New EPF Comm Gear!

Hey guys! Today Billybob told us about what's coming uo for EPF agents! Here's what he had to say:
Hello Penguins!

Please note: this message is classified. Those who are not agents of the Elite Penguin Force should probably stop reading.


Elite Agents - today I've got an update for you.

This week, a new EPF 'class' is being launched. What's a class? It's a special kind of job that an agent can unlock. Remember - you can trade in badges for Elite Gear in your phone. 

The Tactical Class was introduced in August, and the new one is called the Comm Class. Check it out!
The team has some big plans for these classes. The details are top secret, but I will say there's a LOT of important events coming up. Including hints to the location of a certain polar bear... 

So what do you think is in store? Let us know in the comments, and keep watch for anything unusual.

                                                                                     Be ready. Waddle on!
Could Herbert be back and ready for a big attack? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Field Op 22 Cheats!

Hey guys! There is a new Field Op today! Along with it came new gear! The Comm gear. It's really cool! This is what you can do! Cool huh? Here's how to complete the field op.
1. Go to the EPF command room. 2. Click on the yellow Field Op screen. 3. Accept the Field Op. Go to the Forest, then down the ladder under the rock. 4. Click on the barrel and complete the mission. 5. Collect your medal and save them (If you want) to get the new gear! (I couldn't get any pictures because I forgot I had a site.) Comment and tell me what you think of the new gear!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Card-Jitsu Water! More Proof!

Hey guys! I have found proof about Card-Jitsu Water! (Thanks to Matthew722 and Shayne619, from CP hints) Check this out!

Cool huh? Tell me what you think!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Screamz Glitch!

Hey guys. Today I was gonna do the SCREAMZ thing but instead of doing 3 spaces, I did 1. This is what happened.
It's pretty weird. It leaves a space under it. Just type in
SCREAMZ SCREAMZ SCREAMZ SCREAMZ SCREAMZ SCREAMZ and your done! Comment and tell me what you think!

Member background glitch!

Hey guys! I was on my test today and tried to buy the backgrounds. It wouldn't let me! It said "Member's only" If Club Penguin is gonna do this it's unfair! Comment and tell me what you think!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween is finished

Hey guys! Halloween has now ended! Yet the storm is staying, like Gary
guessed. Do you think this is warming us up for Card-Jitsu Water? Tell me what you think in the comments!
P.S. Here is a sneek peek of my first CPMV. No sound yet.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Looking for authors!

Hey guys! This is my website! I'm looking for some people to join me, so if you want to join just put a comment down and give me the link to your site and Twitter or YouTube etc.